Canned chickpeas bear a closer resemblance to cooked-from-dried than any other canned bean: They're sturdy enough to withstand additional cooking without falling apart. Even after a 20-minute sizzle in...
Spooned on a plate this salsa is a tangy base for slices of cold, peppered sirloin or chicken. It can also be tossed with cold pasta to make a refreshing salad.
A bright favorite of summer, cherry tomatoes get an unorthodox treatment here. Instead of being served plain or as part of a salad, they are tossed with salt and pepper and skewered and grilled until slightly...
Expand the concept of pasta a bit, and you arrive at spaetzle, the quickly made and rather thin dough (somewhat akin to savory pancake batter) that is often "grated" into boiling water on a spaetzle maker,...